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Your Guide to Butynol Roofing

Updated: 5 days ago

Your Guide to Butynol Roofing

Butynol roofing has gained a reputation for its durability, flexibility, and reliability in the world of waterproofing and roofing solutions. Whether you’re considering it for a new construction project or looking to replace an existing roof, understanding the benefits and applications of Butynol can help you make an informed decision. This guide will cover everything you need to know about Butynol roofing, from its composition to maintenance.

Butynol is a high-performance synthetic rubber membrane primarily used for waterproofing and roofing applications. It is produced by Ardex, a renowned manufacturer of construction materials. Butynol is widely used in roofing applications, favored in New Zealand for flat roofs due to its durability and flexibility. It is made from synthetic rubber (Butyl) and is known for its excellent waterproofing properties. Regular maintenance and timely replacement of Butynol membranes are essential to prevent leaks and ensure long-lasting roof performance.

Butynol roofing offers a robust, long-lasting solution for various waterproofing and roofing needs. Its exceptional durability, flexibility, and resistance to environmental factors make it an excellent choice for both residential and commercial applications.

What is Butynol Roofing?

Butynol is a synthetic rubber membrane made from a blend of butadiene and isobutylene, providing exceptional waterproofing capabilities. It is widely used in roofing applications due to its resilience to harsh weather conditions, UV radiation, and chemicals.

Advantages of Butynol Roofing

  1. Durability: Butynol membranes can last for decades with proper installation and maintenance, offering long-term protection for your property.

  2. Flexibility: This material remains flexible across a wide temperature range, which helps it resist cracking and tearing even in extreme weather conditions.

  3. Waterproofing: Butynol’s primary feature is its superior waterproofing capability, making it an ideal choice for areas prone to heavy rainfall and moisture.

  4. UV Resistance: Butynol membranes are resistant to UV radiation, which prevents degradation from prolonged sun exposure.

  5. Chemical Resistance: The material is resistant to a variety of chemicals, making it suitable for industrial applications.

  6. Easy Maintenance: Butynol roofs require minimal maintenance compared to other roofing materials, reducing long-term upkeep costs.

Applications of Butynol Roofing

  1. Flat Roofs: Butynol is particularly well-suited for flat and low-slope roofs, providing a seamless waterproof barrier.

  2. Green Roofs: Its durability and waterproofing properties make it an excellent choice for green roofs, where a robust membrane is crucial to protect the building structure.

  3. Balconies and Decks: Butynol can be used to waterproof balconies and decks, ensuring these areas remain dry and protected from water damage.

  4. Industrial Buildings: Its chemical resistance makes Butynol ideal for use in industrial settings, where exposure to harsh substances is common.

Installation Process

  1. Surface Preparation: The roof surface must be clean, dry, and free of any debris or sharp objects that could damage the membrane.

  2. Adhesive Application: A specialized adhesive is applied to the roof surface and the underside of the Butynol membrane.

  3. Membrane Placement: The Butynol membrane is carefully laid onto the adhesive, ensuring there are no wrinkles or air pockets.

  4. Sealing Seams: Seams between membrane sheets are sealed using heat welding or an adhesive to create a continuous waterproof barrier.

  5. Edge Detailing: Attention is given to edges, corners, and penetrations (such as vents and pipes) to ensure a complete waterproof seal.

Maintenance Tips for Butynol Roofs

  1. Regular Inspections: Conduct bi-annual inspections to identify and address any potential issues early, especially after severe weather.

  2. Clean Surface: Keep the roof surface clean of debris, dirt, and organic matter to prevent damage and ensure proper drainage.

  3. Check Seams and Edges: Inspect seams and edges regularly for signs of lifting or damage, and repair as needed to maintain the integrity of the waterproof barrier.

  4. Address Damage Promptly: If you notice any punctures, tears, or other damage, address them promptly with professional repairs to prevent leaks and further deterioration.


Butynol roofing offers a robust, long-lasting solution for various waterproofing and roofing needs. Its exceptional durability, flexibility, and resistance to environmental factors make it an excellent choice for both residential and commercial applications. By understanding the advantages and proper maintenance of Butynol roofs, you can ensure your property remains protected and your investment is well-maintained for years to come.

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